Thursday, April 23, 2009
I’m in love now, how?
It’s you, I wish to talk
Let me hold your hands for the long walk...
Some thinks I’m an insane
Who burns his soul in acid flame
I would like to tell them not to blame
That, love got me into this game!
It’s the pain that slowly eats my heart
People ask, why you love and get hurt
I smile at them to say
If you love, you should pay!
Look at your cheeks, its red in shy
When I touched your luring eyes
I’ll cry in late night coz of fear
Now, it’s happiness that brings the tear...
What you want me to do alone?
Locked up in this hell like a felon
Without you, I’m a worthless scrap
Now, I’ll agree that love is a trap!
Ain’t touched no women, so
Kiss me in the lips or I won’t let you go
Bob Dylan said “No women No cry”
But I say, “Don’t make women cry”!
So far life showed me ups and downs
Till now, I didn’t gave up or frown
You looked gorgeous, that's why we fix
Sure, you'll be a loving mother of six!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Cryin’ Rainbow!!!
Is it you I’m searching all my life
I promise, you’ll be with me so safe
I don't wanna see you cry
But I don't wanna be the one to tell you a lie!
I got a lot to say
So, I guess I'll start by
Saying that I Love You...
Girl... I'm not your kind
With clear flowing mind
I was never questioned by a girl till now
Like Who-What-When-Why- to the How
Now, I've started liking that
When you keeps on asking it
It's not easy for a girl to propose
Sure that it ain't got hidden purpose
I don't know about those fools
Who says lightening never hits twice
Probably they've missed out her eyes
My heart fills up with happy tears
Knowing you're in my life forever
It's the smile that touched my heart
With your eyes tearing me apart
Nowadays it becomes hard for me to sleep
Every time you make my mind & soul to slip
How many saw angel with wings
Like a hummer she sings
We exchanged the wedding rings
Love is what she brings
I owe, will love her till my life ends...
Art Of Kiss...
Please don't miss...
Eyes closed,
heart beating fast,
arms tightly
held around
your body pressed
with mine.
your sweet lips brush
with mine.
Isn’t a perfect date!
It ain’t the same as usual
Everything is damn so special...
Girl, with holding your hand
Lil’ walk on the beach sand
Your kiss was a sweet shock
Like the rain in summer, for frog
Stretching my arms as the wings
Your smile was a drizzle in spring
Wanna share with you a truth now
In full moon, you’ll be a moonbow
When you leaned on my shoulder
I bet, no other moment would be better
In the evening pleasant weather
I realize, We’re made for each other
Touches & gestures all over the day
Can’t love wait till the end of May?
It’s the best spring which brings
Our life together under its wings
I apologize, for holding you in the bus
Have acted like crazy, I guess
I never had the guts to say goodbye
When we’re in final moment of that day!
Oh, not again,
It’s my testing times
Pouring the acid all over
Pleading the life to start over!
Sorry for hurting you girl
I acted as an idiot from hell
So, I apologize for that, Yo
For showing my stupid EGO
You made me to feel shame
When my argument was lame
I regret for my foolish show
When you give nothing but love
Call me rogue, rascal or scoundrel
Who doesn’t know how to treat a girl?
I surrender, heart & soul to my sweet foe
Coz, ain’t got anything to show my love!
Let me know how I’m
Sometimes I act like a moron
Pardon me if I do something wrong
Don’t cry yourself so long
Slap me hard if I break your heart
I grew up very fast as a bad kid
Tears roll fast in gravity when I cry hard
I never do things that make you to feel sad
People always say I’m born as a sin
My soul burns when I give pain
To the loved ones of mine
I may be filthy but now feeling guilty…